Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Lady Elysa... Pirate Queen?
~Lady Elysa
Friday, June 26, 2009
Mache and Shev exchange vows
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Captured by the sandolinistas!
That’s when things got really, well... interesting. April runs off after Arian, and Cowboy comes running up and discovers I’m capped, and says he’ll buy me from April. You have to understand this is not from any philantropic ideas. He’s been after my hide for a month or more, since we had a kind of... .ummmm... *misunderstanding* ... and he hasn’t been very forgiving about it *grins* So off he goes, and Sando comes over. You know, I’d really had it with his whining and whining that goes on and on endlessly, so I moved away... and he came after me! So I went off the hill and down to the entrance to the bedu camp. Since I was capped, I needed to stay near the camp of course (a matter of honor), but OMG here he comes after me again, typing away. So I put my earplugs on ((i.e., I muted him)) and told him I wasn’t listening.
Finally after a bit, April calls me down to the bedu camp. She puts me on my knees, and tells me I have to obey Sando now. I told her no way in hell was I ever obeying that traitor, which left her kinda stuck as to what she was going to do with me. During all this, Sando keeps coming to stand in front of me, and I would turn my back on him, saying aloud that I wasn’t going to appear like I was kneeling to a traitor. So he’s going in circles around me, and I’m still on my knees, going in circles to keep my back to him.
So Cowboy comes and offers April money for me, and she’s interested in the deal. She asked me if Cowboy and I were friends, and I said no, he’s after me for revenge, so she’s really interested in his deal, until he offers her 100 dinars. She gets offended at the low amount, and attacks Cowboy and off they go into the desert. So here they come back after a bit, and Cowboy is capped by April. By this time, I’d gotten bored being on my knees in camp, and moved up onto one of the camels for a better view, and Cowboy takes the other camel. Arian comes back and is fighting both April and Seawater, and is suddenly joined by Ariberto! And I’m all clapping and cheering them on, when Estella, one of the rebel knights, shows up in camp with another rebel, a new and misguided knight who doesn’t know any better named Zazz. So they enter the fray, and low and behold, here comes Tobi and caps Zazz, and Ariberto gets Seawater. Cowboy informed me, as we sat there on the camels watching all this, that his being capped is my fault and he’s gonna get me for that, too. At some point Arian managed to kill Sando, I don’t know how, because he was in camp near me when he died. Then April was capped by Arian, and I thought by then that would be the end of it, since April was pretty much in charge of the whole aggression operation, when Primo showed up, and managed to cap Ariberto, but Tobi in the meantime had capped Estella.
Is anybody confused yet? OMG. I almost fell off my camel a dozen times from laughing so hard! Oh, and April told me later, about 10 preys, all in all, were capped throughout the course of all this, which certainly took well over an hour!
So here’s the final score, not necessarily in order:
April capped me
April capped Cowboy
Tobi capped Zazz
Ariberto capped Seawater
Arian killed Sando
Primo capped Ariberto
Arian capped April
Tobi capped Estella
Sandolina captured!
~Lady Elysa
ummm... oopsies?
But then, a little later, here comes Chris while I’m walking along toward the auction area, and attacks me and caps me! He takes me off to the bedu camp for some reason, where I discover that Leo and Phox are there before me, capped by MasterJ and Cara, one of the bedu. And our captors are now gloating that they have all 3 of us. Ummmm, oopies? So there we are with Leo being silent and Phox mouthing off (I gotta have a talk with that boy about how to behave when capped and in imminent peril).
So Chris finally settles down to talk terms of release. He wants an apology from Leo and Phox for attacking him when he first arrived in Ireem and hadn’t been able to see yet. Which I thought perfectly reasonable and appropriate. And 200 dinars from each of us. Phox says, he’s not going to pay anything and they can kick his teeth in if they want to. I really gotta have a talk with that boy. Anyway, so Chris nods, and says, if they don’t meet his terms, he’ll sell me to MJ for 600 dinars. Okay, that’s a serious wrong turn. MJ has been kinda after me for a couple months now, but recently he’s gotten pretty determined. In fact, that very morning we’d been standing outside the city gates with a bunch of other people when he ordered me to kneel to him. I laughed in his face and walked off, and he came after me swinging his sword and said if I wouldn’t kneel willingly, he’d make me! I managed to get to auction reasonably safely, but it’s put a whole new aspect on things and I’d determined to be very, very careful when MJ was loose in Ireem. So I was like, "gaaahh!" and said I’d be happy to pay my ransom and Phox’s too. So they freed Leo and Phox, who both apologized, and Chris took me up to the auction area to be safe before he freed me.
I just looooove Ireem!!!!!! heehee
~Lady Elysa
Well... it is official now
Lord Kadar told me that they were probably doing me a favor, and I even knew at the time that he was right. There was a lot of stress, too many days I sat crying, too many nights I went to bed crying myself to sleep, or worrying so much about what was happening that sleep was impossible at all. But you know what? Yeah, maybe he’s right. Okay, I know he’s right. But... to know that everything I did, and everything I tried to do, counted for so little, that they could just throw me away like that.
~Lady Elysa
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A big change in my life
Since Indigo found out that I was part djinn she has wanted me to join the Djinn group, and so I felt torn between Palace, Magi and Djinn. So Tim and I met yesterday with Indigo and we worked it out between us that I would become Magi and study under KCEE and Tim, but because of my blood tie to the djinn I would be the perfect choice as bridge, or liaison, between the two magical groups of Ireem, the Magi and Djinn. Pretty cool, huh?
We are hoping that Sultana will permit me to remain as royal scribe as well... my loyalty remains to Sultana above all, and that has not changed, no matter what. Hopefully she will be able to understand that. Tim spoke to the Great Goddess Kora, who said it was okay with her if Sultana approved. Tim and I then spoke to Lord Kadar, who is not happy... but hopefully he will calm down and come around by the time Sultana returns from her travels this weekend. I really want to remain the scribe, but I haven't been happy for a long time, because there is so little to do in the palace, and most of my time I spend wandering around more or less aimlessly. As scribe, my duties are to attend official functions and the weekly staff meetings, and write up any scrolls to be delivered to the populace or to the Chronicle, all of which I can do that just as easily as Magi. So, basically, if they do not approve, it would be because my loyalty was in question... and if they believe so little in my loyalty to Sultana, that is very hard for me, I could not have stayed in the palace anyway knowing that.
~Lady Elysa
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Lady Elysa... Undead Princess???!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
A Princess!
Believe me, I feel like a princess when I am here! I have found a wonderful princess dress to wear when I am at home, and I lay about on my lovely princess lounger in my luxurious princess suite, feeling just like... well... a Princess!
And it isn't only that I have a home now, but a place where I feel I can belong, and Hailea my dearest sister! I am so happy!
~Lady Elysa
Thursday, May 21, 2009
my new... slaver???!
So Phox and I debate some more, and decide to take him to the knights and turn him over to them. We get almost to the knights camp, when the slaver stops and says he doesn't want to go there either, or be turned over to them... he's afraid they will hurt him. Phox and I go on in, while I continue to try to coax the slaver to come in with us, that no one will hurt him there. In the meantime, Mache is telling me that we can't turn the slaver over to him either, as the knights don't hold prisoners. By now I am getting a major headache, and sit down on the bench. We finally convince the slaver to come on into the camp with us to try to figure this out. Someone suggested that we turn him over to the jailers, but I didn't want to see him put in that awful dungeon... but what to do with him??? Then suddenly he comes over, and asks if he can't just stay with me.... WHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT???
OMG. Then I get a REALLY big headache, and I'm holding my head and moaning. Finally Phox frees the guy, just because we don't know what else to do with him. But then he's at low health, and still our responsiblity, so we take him to Knights Inn to eat, and he won't eat, he just stands there saying he'll be fine, and can't he stay with me anyway?
By this time the ridiculousness of the whole situation hit me, and I started to laugh so hard that I fell onto the floor. I think my poor Phox thought I had finally gone around the bend *grin* Anyway... eventually the slaver went on his way, and my Phox and I went on our way, and all's well that ends well...
...but I sure laughed myself to sleep that night!
~Lady Elysa
my Phox, model of perfection
Zanlu Heron: mmmh... do you swear to be always good from now?
Phox Sillanpaa: I swear to be nothing but a model of perfection.
Zanlu Heron laughs
Zanlu Heron: i like a model of perfection
Zanlu Heron: i forgive you Phox, model of perfection
Zanlu Heron smiles warmly
Phox Sillanpaa: Thank you, your highness
Zanlu Heron: Phox..Elysa loves you very much
Zanlu Heron: please,be loyal and obeying
Phox Sillanpaa: I shall be
Elysa Swansong: he is, your Highness
Zanlu Heron: i hope for him and for you too
I am so relieved! I worried so much about the jailers arresting Phox and taking him to that awful dungeon. He has turned innkeeper now, of the Knights Inn, and seems to be enjoying himself very much there.
~Lady Elysa
Monday, May 18, 2009
My Phox and how he came to me
(just kidding, of course)
(I think)
LOL. Anyway, currently Phox is in a bit of hot water, as you will read, and I am planning on asking Sultana for a pardon for him. Below is the account of what happened, as I have written it in my petition to Sultana:
Phox is a cursed djinn, who must obey every command of his master (like the genie in Aladdin). On Thursday, Mar 14th, in the auction area, I overheard Leoxis Werefox and Jaril Rexen talking. Jaril had given Leo orders to kill, and he wanted to know who. Jaril grinned and said "ALL." A short time later, there was an auction and Leo bid and won the djinn Phox, and commanded Phox to join him on a joyful killing spree of everyone they saw (except slavers). As a bound djinn, Phox of course complied. Between them, Leo and Phox killed 12 people (6 each), including myself, Tim Spieser and the only knight in Ireem at that time, Maia. Citizens, magi, undead, djinn and bedu were killed.
The djinn leader Indigo arrived, and at my urgent request she came quickly and resolved things for Phox by arranging his release from Leo. Phox was genuinely repentant for the things he had been forced to do by Leo, and he came to me to offer to bind himself to me of his own will, in reparation. I was very angry and refused this, but Indigo convinced me of the truth of his story (as I have written above), and that his repentance was sincere. Therefore, I accepted this binding and have taken Phox under my care.
I ordered Phox to find each of those he killed that night, and to offer a sincere apology and explanation that he was bound to me now. If any did not accept his apology, or wanted further punishment, they were to contact me and we would discuss what they wished. However, so far all have accepted his apology and are satisfied with the current arrangement.
Yesterday, Arian came to arrest Phox for being a mass murderer. While I have some understanding of and sympathy for his viewpoint, Phox was not operating under his own will at the time, AND, his victims have forgiven him. As Arian has not arrested Leo, who not only instigated and participated in the blood bath but also gave the "kill" order to Phox, nor has Arian arrested Jaril, who ordered these killings, I feel this is not right. While undoubtedly Phox did kill 6 people, he did so under compulsion and has sincerely repented and is doing atonement under my care. I feel also that there is a strong case to be made that Leo, and not Phox, should be changed with the murders that Phox committed while bound to Leo. This was clearly premeditated by Leo; he purchased Phox with the intent to use him to kill for this killing spree. Leo should be brought to justice for these murders as well as the murders he committed by his own hand. And Jaril should be brought to justice for all the murders as well, since she gave the orders to Leo to kill ALL.
~Lady Elysa
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Feeling desperate
Lately, I have found myself thinking of travel to distant lands, listening to wanderers, and watching the caravans come through longingly, half thinking to leave here. Then I think, how can I leave, when my heart and soul are here in Ireem? Yet my heart is so battered, my spirit so wounded, I do not know how they can recover. Every morning I wake thinking, "Today will be better..." and then such things happen! So many things have gone wrong, I sometimes wonder if it will ever be fixed. For me now there is so much pain, so much hurt... and so lonely...!!! sometimes I think I cannot bear it.
I found such a wonderful sense of purpose when I first came to Ireem and became the royal scribe... there was never anything like that before in my life, it was so wonderful! I never meant to aspire to anything like that, I just wished the peace of citizenship rather than the stress of life as a prey... and anyone who knows me knows I could never be a predator, of course, I just do not have that in me. So I applied for citizenship, and the next thing, I had an appointment with the royal secretary, and then she decided I should be the scribe! I was so pleased and excited, and even more so when it was confirmed after meeting with Sultana. Suddenly, I was no longer alone, I was part of a team that worked together with the Sultana for the good of all Ireem. We had meetings, we discussed policies and made decisions as a team, it was so exciting! And then, in these last few weeks, everyone has faded away. Perhaps they have left to new jobs, new countries, more exciting adventures. For whatever reason, they are gone. Aside from Sultana, I am the only one left now in the palace. And while Sultana rules, she needs counselors and advisors, people around her to assist her in running the country. But there is only me, and I am not the person to advise her! So many things are happening, and the palace should be involved, but how can I bring these problems to Sultana, with no one at her side to advise her? People come to me with problems and expect me to help, but I can only advise, I have no authority to change anything, to do anything. Nor do I want such authority. I am a scribe... not a diplomat, not a politician. While I accept that to run a country such as Ireem, it is needed that there must be someone able and willing to be ruthless, to manipulate and scheme, to do what is needed to keep the balance, the peace... I am not that person! I could never be such a person. I am scribe, and never have I aspired for more. Indeed, it suits me well. But now there is only me, and I have no one to turn to, no one to ask direction or what I should do, when so much responsibility now falls on my shoulders, until I just want to cry out, "I am not the right person for this!!!"
Indeed, I am far too trusting, too gullible, for such responsibility. All Ireem must know this by now. Need leverage against the palace? Oh, go see Lady Elysa. Convince her you are sincere and give her your word of honor, and she’ll trust you completely. Safe passage? Oh sure, just promise it to her, you can always capture her once she’s there. I am so angry, so sick, of being fooled, of being tricked, of believing people when they give me their word! And even worse, I feel like I am STUPID, and I hate to be made to feel stupid, and foolish. I really hate it, more than I can possibly begin to say here. And yet, still I trust, when someone gives me their word. I finally swore I would stop this, that I would cease being naive and gullible and believing in people’s honor. And then last week, one friend gave me his word for safe passage, and because he was a friend, I ...foolishly... trusted, and went into the enemy camp as emissary... and he attempted to take me prisoner. Oh! So angry! I fought my way out of the camp, and swore never to return, never to believe anyone, ever again.
And then there is the healing. I know so little... I am a mere apprentice, and have as yet had no training. My apprenticeship to KCEE had only been approved by Sultana a day or two before she was kidnapped by Damien, and all went on hold during those trying times, of course. But since then, there has been no time for us to begin my studies, and yet people call for me, since they know I am apprentice. But I am apprentice only! Not a healer yet! My skills are limited, and very basic, and pretty much limited to the contents of the first aid kit that Prince Pawlaew gave me upon my apprenticeship. I am frightened when I must go alone to heal someone with terrible wounds, nor can I heal such things as undead poisons. I am alone when I am called, and so unsure of myself... and oh! I care so much when people are injured or hurt! I worry about them, and fret over their health even after they are well. Many, too, come to me with their troubles and problems, and I am so pleased, so honored with their trust! I treasure each and every one who come to me like this. And yet... there is that in me that cries out... who will come to heal ME?
Because, very slowly, day by day, I am dying a little inside.
~Lady Elysa
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
a terrible thing
In deep sorrow,
~Lady Elysa~
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Close Encounters of the Tobi Kind
Feeling mischievous, as soon as he was out of sight I instantly dived down the steps into the combs, and made it all the way through the combs, came around the turn just past the snake, when I came face to face with.... TOBI!!!!!! OMG. OMG. How the hell he knew I would do that, I have no idea, but the sneak had run around and in through the temple, and there he was! I kept my head even though panicked... I didn't even stop but rushed right past him out of the combs into the temple with Tobi just a couple of steps behind me. I think the fact that I dind't stop, or try to turn around, took him by surprise too, or I wouldn't have had that little teensy bit of a headstart. The instant I was free of the temple I jumped up high, toward the knight camp, and made it into the city safely. But my health was so low, it was a very close-run thing... I think one more swing of his sword and he'd have gotten me! OMG! I was panicked, relieved, and ROFLMAO all at the same time!!!! So there I was, gasping for breath, laughing, and asking Tobi how he'd known I would do that, when here come Paw, Urso and Jig on the run, looking all ready for battle. I was laughing so hard, it was all I could do to pull myself together enough to calm them down, let them know I was okay, and to tell them that yes, Tobi had faked me out but he hadn't cheated or done anything dastardly, he just out-guessed me, and really it was my bad {{{giggles}}} So Tobi went off on his way, and the knights also, and I went to eat.
And when I went to bed, I lay there remembering it all, and laughed until I cried, and actually fell asleep still laughing at it all. I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!
~Lady Elysa~
Friday, April 17, 2009
Apprentice healer!
I have also found a familiar, Galon, who rides on my shoulders sometimes and has a strong energy to lend to any magical healing.
~Lady Elysa~
Monday, April 13, 2009
Royally pissed off
You know... I just got pissed. First off, we are in the Palace, an area of truce for all. Second off... hello?? I'm a scribe, not a street fighter. Yeah, I sometimes draw my sword and use it, usually to defend someone else when my temper gets riled. But I'm not a fighter by nature, and I don't fight for the fun or thrill of it, and if I wanted to fight, I'll go out in the desert, but not walking in the palace gardens! And thirdly... I don't do cat fights!Furthermore, the whole thing was both stupid and pointless. So I head-butted her, and walked away without a backward glance.
~Lady Elysa~
P.S. Of course, I DO have an alternative ending for this little scenario. It reads like this:
Elysa Swansong grabs Jaril by her hair, yanking backwards so hard the slaver's pretty little neck snaps with a loud crack.
Elysa Swansong drags the lifeless body by the hair over to the wall and shoves it over, watching as it tumbles down to land grotesquely on the city pavement below
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
being good
I'm counting the days and hours and minutes until Saturday, 3 p.m.! Then, watch out, Ireem!!!!!!
~Lady Elysa~
Monday, March 30, 2009
Is it so much to ask?
There was one once who fought for me... he fought many, furiously and fearlessly, to have me, and to keep me. And in the end, he let me go for someone better. I don't blame him; the deal he was offered was a spectacular trade, anyone in his right mind would have accepted (heck, I would have accepted, if it was me!). Yet, I cannot help now but wonder what it would be like, to be wanted in that way. To be wanted so much that a man was willing to fight to the death to have me, against any and all comers... not just because I was there... not out of duty or honor.... not to have me as a hostage or for trade... but because he wanted me... me, for who I am, because he wanted me, and no other, at his side. And somewhere, in all that, make me want to stay.
~Lady Elysa~
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tonight, I was attacked by a knight in the knights camp, when I went there on official business for the Sultana. Attacked, with his sword, while mine was sheathed! It is so bad, I cannot write about it. But I will never go back. Nor will I ever again call on the knights to help me; I will live or die by my own chance, rather than call those who have treated me so. Damien himself did not hurt me so much as these knights; he, at least, hurt only my body. He, at least, did not pretend to have honor. But the knights...! My faith is so shaken. My heart broken. If I cannot believe the knights have honor, what is there left to believe in?
~Lady Elysa~
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Peace Camel
Then a friend came and asked me to spar, and that sounded like fun, so we went off to the docks to the space there. We were just about to start when suddenly I saw Damien's wings nearby! We both ran for it, and decided to spar instead down on the sands below. We had a great spar match and we capped each other, which had us giggling like mad. We released each other and headed back up for the city to eat, when I saw Damien again. I shouted to RUN... he probably was not after us, but minding his own business (whatever that may be), but I wasn't taking any chances! but my friend was not safe in the city, and she ran for the auction area, and on the way there before she could eat, was attacked by this stupid new punk kid who attacks everybody on sight. I was soooo mad!
So then I decided to stay inside the city gates, and went to sit and do some palace business, writing in my scrolls for awhile on the stone block just inside the main gates. And I swear, people kept coming in and fighting all around me! What, am I a magnet or something? After the last few days, which were very stressful, I just wanted some peace, you know? But the palace was a little too peaceful, I wanted to be where I could keep an eye on happenings, but be far away enough to not be near it. I didn't want to see fighting, I didn't want to see my friends getting attacked, and even worse, I did not want to see my friends fighting friends. I was getting very depressed, and decided to find some place else to sit and watch from afar.
So I remembered my favorite camel, out by the well. No one mostly comes there, only those people who are already fighting, and they do not notice or bother me, and I can see all the way up to the castle gates! It is a nice spot, very peaceful, and the camel lets me sit for hours on him while I write, and watch. After a long, long time, Prince Paw spotted me, and katlynn also, and they came and joined me up on the camel. Then Derry came along and Starr, and they sat on my poor camel's head! I laughed so hard, and I took this picture to share :)
~Lady Elysa~
Thursday, March 26, 2009
A noble sacrifice
So I am free, and free of any spell Damien had cast over me. I am back at my little desk in the palace, amongst my scrolls and busying myself once more in palace business that has gone unfinished for the last few days.
And if, in my heart of hearts, a small piece of me mourns, that is between myself and these pages.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
So here I am, belonging to Damien and caught between worlds. I cannot be undead... I am a GOOD person! I can't ever hurt anyone, or even be mean (well, unless I get mad, of course!), but it just is not my nature, just as I cannot walk away from someone in trouble. And although I can go into the catacombs now, they are cold and damp and comfortless. I am banned from the palace, which was the joy of my life to be a part of the goings on there. No one is angry with me, nor blame me, but until we know if I am under a spell of Damien's casting, I am not safe to be there, I could be a threat to the Sultana without knowing it. I don't blame them for not wanting to take chances with the Sultana's life, I don't want to take that chance either! But it is hard to be banned, although I still carry on my duties from afar. My other joy was practicing and training with the knights and being welcomed always so kindly. But now I am afraid to go to the knights' camp, for fear they too will feel me a danger and not want me there. And truly, I don't even want to see a knight, because I don't want to look into their faces and see... whatever I would see when they look at me, I am so ashamed.
So I sit on a high hill, and look out over the knights' camp, and the palace, where I used to be welcome and so happy! I don't know what will come to me. I know I can never accept being undead. And I am told that the undead do not keep prisoners. Yet Damien seems determined to own me for some reason. It could be he is just playing with me before killing me. But I feel like I am dying now, of loneliness and grief.
~Lady Elysa~
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
How can this be?
~Lady Elysa~
Gallant rescue
Later that evening I had wandered into the desert. I was so lost and scared, and didn't know what to do, or where to go. I wanted to stay far from my friends, because I remembered hearing the blood pulsing in their veins, the beat of their heart like a drum. I was afraid for them, and afraid for myself, for what I had become. When I returned to the combs, Prince Paw was waiting near the entrance, and as soon as he saw me, he attacked! I was heartbroken, that the knights whom I love and who have trained me and been so kind with me, must hunt me. I would not fight Paw, never, so I stood, waiting for my fate, and crying because he must hate me now. It was over in a moment, and he had captured me. Then he told me, so kindly! that I was under the undead spell and that I must follow him to KCEE to be healed. Oh! Healed! I almost didn't dare to hope as I followed Paw to the camp where the knights had gathered, and KCEE, and little blue wolfie too. They were so good to me, and KCEE began to cast a spell, the most wonderful thing I have ever seen, and wolfie added her magic to it as well. I remember beautiful stars and glowing lights, and the most incredible energy flowing through me, while the heavy, dark shadow seemed to drop away from me and I was filled with light. It seemed to go on forever and yet only a moment, at the same time. When the lights faded, KCEE was holding me close, and I was well. I could breathe again... deep breaths, feeling my lungs expand, taking in the warm welcome air of the desert, smell the sharp tang of the ocean breeze. I am alive again!
~Lady Elysa~
Saturday, March 21, 2009
New harem girl
~Lady Elysa~
Friday, March 20, 2009
But oh! I wish I had kept running once I reached safety last night, and not stopped to listen.
~Lady Elysa~
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
So it's very silly to be so excited, I know, but those darn corners have been giving me so much trouble, and I've been trying so hard! Yayyyyyy!
~Lady Elysa~
Monday, March 16, 2009
The excitement continues
I did have some real fun though a bit later! Arian offered to spar with me in the arena! on his word that he would not kill me. So I agreed and we went, and it was way fun, trying to keep my focus on him and swing the sword at the same time. It was also very good practice for me, to have a moving target to chase after. The sparring ended when I killed him. Unfortunately, I had to let him go (well, darn!) because a deal is a deal, after all! heheheh. But it was a splendid time, and I now have 2 kills and my skill level has increased :)
I'm still having trouble on the parapet, when it comes to the corners. At a walk I am fine, but at a run, I still fall off maybe 2-3 times of every 5. I am getting very frustrated with that. But I can now approach the wall and leap up onto it at a run, nice trick! it's just the corners that are so much trouble for me. I'm still running around the tents too, but that's getting kind of boring now that I have gotten the hang of it, but I still do it for the practice.
Speaking of Arian, yesterday we actually fought for real. He capped my best friend's sister and I had to fight with him for him to free her. I haven't written about it because it was kind of traumatic for me, but there is a positive side to this, which is why I'm writing this at all. Despite the fact that I lost the fight (well, duh! Arian has the highest skill for a fighter, I the lowest), due to the training I'd been doing it was not the complete disaster I thought it would be. I mean... I know I can't fight, and hated thinking I would make a fool of myself in front of all the people around watching. I assumed the fight woud be over in just a couple of minutes, and it was not... indeed, I did much better than I expected, and gave Arian a good fight before he capped me! Looking back, now, I am very pleased with how well I was able to defend myself, given the circumstances. What I need is practice... a tricky proposition here in Ireem, if I want to stay free and alive (I do!). A sparring partner would be ideal.
~Lady Elysa~
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Close Encounters of the Arian Kind
Of course, matters are not helped that Mirna and I put out a bounty on him {{{grins}}} and when WongFei capped him, we turned Arian over to Damien for punishment. But since Arian had already been trying to cap us... word is, he even tried to trade a capped knight to the knights for us! ...we didn't have anything to lose, you know? But now he's even more determined, and seems to chase me on sight! I can tell you, I barely made it to the city in time today, that was a very, very close-run thing, and no rescuers in sight... although this time I did have time to call for help as I ran.
I need to train more. Hopefully soon I will be ready to start working with my sword... though I would never dare to face Arian in a fight... my best bet is to just run!
~Lady Elysa~
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My first sparring!
Oh, and I had my first real chase today! I made it to safety, just barely a breath ahead of the slaver pursuing me, and whoo, was my heart pounding! I can honestly say that I see the excitement that the chase holds for the slaves... but taken all in all, I do not want to be captured (or anything else) and I remain very glad to be a citizen in Ireem.
~Lady Elysa~
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
MIrna is home!
After Mirna lay down to rest, I went on home to do the same, able to sleep peacefullly for the first time in 2 days. I do not want to go through another 2 days like that! (I bet Mirna doesn't either!) When I awoke, I went to the knights' camp for news about the war (or any news, for that matter). I mentioned in passing to the knight Ringo that I wished I knew how to use my sword better. He instantly offered to show me some skills. My pathetic attempts should have made him laugh, but he was very kind, and he took me back to a basic skill I had been unaware of... Mouselook! So instead of swinging my sword, you may in the next few days see me walking circles around the tents in the camp, and walking the parapet. Ringo tells me that next I'll be running along the parapet. Uh-huh. Given my current attempts at walking along it, I venture to say that I'll be running it about, oh, say, the new year ;)
~Lady Elysa~
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A busy week in the Palace
On a less happy note, my very first friend in the Palace, Lady Mirna, has been captured, along with Lady Jordina, and held by the slavers. I am dreadfully unhappy, but of course there is nothing I can do but wait. I HATE waiting! I wish the knights and djinn would come together and st0rm the camp and free them...and I'd join in, too! Anything but sitting here, waiting and hoping, and crying so much for my friends, and completely helpless to DO anything :(
~A very unhappy Lady Elysa~