Thursday, May 21, 2009

my new... slaver???!

OMG. this was soooo funny. This happened back on Monday, it's taken me until now to write about it. So I was down near the bedu camp with my Phox, talking with River and Sunbeam and Qiana, when Phox runs off somewhere. He calls me to come to him, and I find that he has captured a slaver who attacked him. We'd been having a lot of problems with slavers, and I was half inclined to tell Phox to just kill him (I know, not my usual nature, but I was pretty stressed by that time and sick of the whole slaver bunch going around killing everybody), but Phox pointed out that the slaver was pretty new, and so yeah, that did seem to be a mean thing to kill him, so we stood and debated about what to do with him. The slaver stood there and didnt' say much, until Phox and I had pretty much decided to take him to the slaver camp and see if his brothers would pay us for him. Then he said, no he didn't want that. I'm like... ummmm.... what?

So Phox and I debate some more, and decide to take him to the knights and turn him over to them. We get almost to the knights camp, when the slaver stops and says he doesn't want to go there either, or be turned over to them... he's afraid they will hurt him. Phox and I go on in, while I continue to try to coax the slaver to come in with us, that no one will hurt him there. In the meantime, Mache is telling me that we can't turn the slaver over to him either, as the knights don't hold prisoners. By now I am getting a major headache, and sit down on the bench. We finally convince the slaver to come on into the camp with us to try to figure this out. Someone suggested that we turn him over to the jailers, but I didn't want to see him put in that awful dungeon... but what to do with him??? Then suddenly he comes over, and asks if he can't just stay with me.... WHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT???

OMG. Then I get a REALLY big headache, and I'm holding my head and moaning. Finally Phox frees the guy, just because we don't know what else to do with him. But then he's at low health, and still our responsiblity, so we take him to Knights Inn to eat, and he won't eat, he just stands there saying he'll be fine, and can't he stay with me anyway?

By this time the ridiculousness of the whole situation hit me, and I started to laugh so hard that I fell onto the floor. I think my poor Phox thought I had finally gone around the bend *grin* Anyway... eventually the slaver went on his way, and my Phox and I went on our way, and all's well that ends well...

...but I sure laughed myself to sleep that night!

~Lady Elysa

1 comment:

  1. He should be a slave cause he said he wanted to be around beautiful women. Lol!
