Monday, May 18, 2009

My Phox and how he came to me

I have taken the little Djinn, Phox, under my protection. He is bound to me now (a fate worse than death, some might say *grins*) in reparation for his behavior some days ago. This binding is of his own free will and he does my bidding. I do have to say, I'm getting to kind of like having a companion, to have someone at my side, whether trotting along willingly as I go from place to place, or sitting patiently at my feet. He is funny too, and fun to be with, and to talk with. I'll miss him when it is time for him to move on. Hmmm, maybe I should consider getting a slave of my own? *wink*

(just kidding, of course)

(I think)


LOL. Anyway, currently Phox is in a bit of hot water, as you will read, and I am planning on asking Sultana for a pardon for him. Below is the account of what happened, as I have written it in my petition to Sultana:

Phox is a cursed djinn, who must obey every command of his master (like the genie in Aladdin). On Thursday, Mar 14th, in the auction area, I overheard Leoxis Werefox and Jaril Rexen talking. Jaril had given Leo orders to kill, and he wanted to know who. Jaril grinned and said "ALL." A short time later, there was an auction and Leo bid and won the djinn Phox, and commanded Phox to join him on a joyful killing spree of everyone they saw (except slavers). As a bound djinn, Phox of course complied. Between them, Leo and Phox killed 12 people (6 each), including myself, Tim Spieser and the only knight in Ireem at that time, Maia. Citizens, magi, undead, djinn and bedu were killed.

The djinn leader Indigo arrived, and at my urgent request she came quickly and resolved things for Phox by arranging his release from Leo. Phox was genuinely repentant for the things he had been forced to do by Leo, and he came to me to offer to bind himself to me of his own will, in reparation. I was very angry and refused this, but Indigo convinced me of the truth of his story (as I have written above), and that his repentance was sincere. Therefore, I accepted this binding and have taken Phox under my care.

I ordered Phox to find each of those he killed that night, and to offer a sincere apology and explanation that he was bound to me now. If any did not accept his apology, or wanted further punishment, they were to contact me and we would discuss what they wished. However, so far all have accepted his apology and are satisfied with the current arrangement.

Yesterday, Arian came to arrest Phox for being a mass murderer. While I have some understanding of and sympathy for his viewpoint, Phox was not operating under his own will at the time, AND, his victims have forgiven him. As Arian has not arrested Leo, who not only instigated and participated in the blood bath but also gave the "kill" order to Phox, nor has Arian arrested Jaril, who ordered these killings, I feel this is not right. While undoubtedly Phox did kill 6 people, he did so under compulsion and has sincerely repented and is doing atonement under my care. I feel also that there is a strong case to be made that Leo, and not Phox, should be changed with the murders that Phox committed while bound to Leo. This was clearly premeditated by Leo; he purchased Phox with the intent to use him to kill for this killing spree. Leo should be brought to justice for these murders as well as the murders he committed by his own hand. And Jaril should be brought to justice for all the murders as well, since she gave the orders to Leo to kill ALL.

~Lady Elysa

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