Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lady Elysa... Undead Princess???!

heehee, just kidding. But a few days ago I went shopping with Chant and she took me to this store that had this totally rad outfit, which I bought at her (and Marcus' and Xan's) insistence, I just loooove it! So last night there was nobody in Ireem, and I was sooooooooooooo bored, so I changed into my Undead Poizzon outfit (as opposed to Undead Xena, pics to come), and dashed down into the combs to play and goof off, and take some neat pics *grins* Pretty cool, huh? :)

I did consider (very briefly) running for Undead Leader at the next elections... just 'cause it's so fun looking the part, and there's this whole Power Trip thing going for it besides *grins* And, of course, only if Damien wasn't running, naturally. But last night Chant got hold of Lord Wonder and seriously messed up his face, which reminded me how little suited I am for undeadness, and decided not to run for office. I mean, we can't have an undead leader who runs for cover every time things get a little... er... gory, now can we?

~Lady Elysa

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